International Workshop Begins

Each year SAFE, along with Housing & Hazards, BRIF and RedR hold a construction workshop where international participants work alongside local villagers and builders to transfer skills and knowledge about building in this difficult environment. On the 10thof September 2012 workshop participants of a variety of nationalities: Chinese, Singaporean, Australian, Spanish, Indian, Bengali, Irish and English, arrived in Sundarban district to begin two weeks of hard work.

The Welcoming Ceremony

Two building projects, developed with SAFE’s EWB-UK Placement Volunteer, Jo Ashbridge were worked on each day.  This year was the first time that two sites have been used: a bamboo framed two storey demonstration house for a family in the Dinajpur Jorgen Babur Mart Slum, and a cement stabilised mud block office and workshop in Sundarban Village. Participants had the chance to see both sites and therefore learn to appreciate a variety of construction techniques. Local builders worked closely with the participants and key to progress was the ability to learn to communicate without a common language.

The SAFE Bamboo Build

The two weeks should prove to be hard work, but a great experience for all involved.

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